I am trying to teach myself to crochet. The chain stitch was my only success. I taught myself to knit years ago from diagrams online but I'm finding crochet a little tricky to learn from a book. I think I just need someone to show me how it's done. Maybe I'll pop into a knit night somewhere this winter.
You gotta learn to crochet! It's so addictive and so different from knitting. I am definitely a very beginner crocheter, but with a couple of stitches you can make soooo many things!
your granny squares are partly what inspired me to want to learn to crochet!
crochet is on my "to do" list also. there never seems to be enough time to experiment and play with something new. sounds like you had a lovely week-end.
My roommate Gabby went to knit night last weekend and Courtney taught her how to crochet. She said she was an excellent teacher.
I just learned to crochet(as you know, as my wool is waiting for a new home in one of your beautiful totes!). I went to a program at our local library called Casting Off the Cold (women of all ages crochet and knitting blankets for homeless shelters...isn't that brilliant?!). One sweet woman showed me the basics and then I did borrow a great step by step book, with excellent diagrams, from the library and taught myself. The second row (after your chain stitch, which you've nicely mastered) is the hardest. After that one, easy peasy. If you are still having a hard time, let me know and I will track down the name of the excellent book and send to you. I knit years ago and find crochet much easier. For me.
Yours in all things hand made,
Jane- thanks for the tip. Maybe I'll get in touch with Courtney about that too.
Jenny- Your knit group sounds like a really nice idea. And it is the second row I had troubles with! The book said that after you got past that it would be easier, but it just felt so awkward to me that I assumed I was doing something wrong so I never even got to the third row! Which is when I thought I needed a teacher for this one.
I'm learning to crochet too and found youtube videos were much easier to follow than books. It got me past the second row, anyways. You've inspired me to pull out my hooks and try again tonight.
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