
knit nights & granny squares

For the past couple weeks I have been going to knit nights at the brain on Wednesday evenings. Liz posted more info about it today over at the beehive blog as well. It's been a great way to break up the week and spend some relaxing time chatting and learning to crochet. Yes, I learned to crochet! I had heard that Courtney was teaching those who wanted to learn and she's the most patient and thorough teacher, and a fantastic crocheter as well. I hope to be as quick as her some day.

I picked up a copy of Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework last week at an antique shop on Ottawa Street.

My first granny square! A little sloppy, but I am so proud, can't you tell?

This weekend while visiting my mom's fabric and yarn shop up in Guelph I picked up some yarns to start a granny square project, which I hope will eventually become a blanket. She has so many beautiful yarns, but this lovely display here (along with some odd bits from her personal stash) are what I chose from. A mix of the super lovely Koigu Yarn, hand dyed in Ontario. I can't wait to get working on more squares this Wednesday evening.

1 comment:

roisin said...

that book is one of the most useful I've even found - congrats on the new crochet skills!