Thanks to everyone for a great show. It was nice to get so much positive feedback on my new designs and products- the tree houses were a hit and the scarves sold out just a few days into the show. I will be restocking the shop with all these items this month. I am also busy working on wholesale orders so you will be able to find the spring items in stores soon as well.
There were a few nice online mentions while I was at the show. Decor8 included my work in her
'etsy take five tuesday' and Brett from Style at Home mentioned my work on his blog,
style sleuth. My neighbours at the show were fantastic and I made a few nice purchases and trades. I will tell you all about them this week.
You had a pretty set-up at the OOAK show and I was immediately drawn to your designs and products.
I'm glad to be one of those purchasers who bought one of your most sought after scarves :)
Me too... except I bought a blanket! I should have bought more but thanks to the internet I can keep track of your creations.
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